Sunday, June 23, 2013

Announcement of Nokia relaunches war between brands with iZombie ... - Net & Tech

Nokia just released an ad in which iPhone users are portrayed as iZombie. This is another chapter in a war that trade for over a year and it’s easy to guess who is the main victim of this type of ads that have gone viral on Youtube: Apple.

new clip advertising the new Lumia 925, who has an iPhone is portrayed as being the brain dead, a real iZombie white face, red eyes and faltering steps, firing the flash into the eyes of passers by and thus making the other they also zombies.

started to see a man walking alone on a dark city. The man begins to start to feel uneasy and scared but did not realize why at first. Then we started to see flashes and iZombie.

ad message is clear: Do not use the flash. Surprising. And intended to advertise the new sensitivity of the camera Lumia 925.


video from Nokia:


This is not the only ad that Apple is the target of derision from competitors.

When launched the Galaxy S3, for over a year, Samsung Ifans joked with all who were in line to be the first to have the new smartphone model from the Cupertino company, saying to each other that perhaps New iPhone to come with new features, while surprised by the ability of new Galaxy S3.

Remind video Galaxy S3

But even Samsung can not laugh, as was also the target of ridicule on the part of Microsoft, and once again to announce a model with WindowsPhone: The Nokia Lumia 920

In another ad, the guests begin to spoil a wedding a real pitched battle because of their smartphones. You guessed it, everyone had a Galaxy or an iPhone.

While the guests were fighting each other, two employees with smartphones colorful wonder if the guests would stop fighting if they knew the new Nokia Lumia. And once again, a simple message: Do not fight. Exchange.

Watch the Microsoft video:

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