Tuesday, June 25, 2013

iPhone 5S: Revealed supposed new Apple machine images ... - EN Official

iphone 5s 1 big rumor Site publishes pictures of him that may be a prototype of the new iPhone 5S, expected in September this year. Top new processor may be in the battery and the camera flash.

New images of him that many believe to be the successor of the iPhone 5 have been circulating on the Internet.

The latter are published by the site MacRumors.com, which reveals the handset open where they can be seen some news.

Starting with processor, many believe that the next iPhone will be equipped with an A7, A6 to replace so this the iPhone 5. Another part that can undergo considerable changes is the battery – 5.92 watts per hour, more than the current 0.47. If confirmed,

the new iPhone 5S can spend less and last longer.

One of the new alleged that draws the most attention is the camera, in particular flash. Regarding megapixels nothing is known at this time. However, the images published by MacRumors.com is possible to see what appears to be a dual LED flash on.

This information is not new. Several specialized sources adiantaram since the new iPhone 5S will bring news that part.

See the image below:
iphone 5s 2 big rumor

new iPhone 5S should be placed on the market in September this year.

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