Saturday, June 8, 2013

Apple will buy your old iPhone - TVI24

Apple prepares to enter the exchange market of mobile phones. According advances to Bloomberg, citing anonymous sources from the company itself, Apple will allow iPhone users to exchange the old for the new iPhone 5, which will lower the cost of the new Apple device to the client. The move will allow the company to market the older models in emerging markets.

According to the same sources, the company has established an agreement with a distributor of telecommunications,, Brightstar Corp., who will work in the program exchange, which has not yet been officially announced. By offering money for old smartphones, Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, is now entice users to improve equipment, thereby enhancing efforts to improve the company’s sales and therefore the decline in share price.

“This will help them sell more phones because it will lower the money the consumer has to take out of your pocket to have new equipment», said Roger Entner, an analyst contact the

agency, which explains why all responsible company refused to comment. Currently an iPhone 4s or 4Ss could be worth $ 200, which means that an ‘upgrade’ to the above model can get reduced cost for customers, particularly the Americans.

In 2011, 11 % of consumers bought a smartphone through a barter system, it is estimated that in 2012 the figure rose to 20%. This is a market that Apple has never paid much attention, but that the poor outcomes of recent months has altered . Samsung got ahead in the last month of May to get your smartphone was the most sold in the U.S..

The company created by Steve Jobs sold in the last quarter of 2012, 37.4 million mobile phones compared with 35.1 million the previous year. The company’s shares fell 38% from the peak reached i n September. Researchers fear that the era of rapid growth, played by iPhone launch in 2007, has finished.

Apple already has an exchange service equipment, but works online. The new way to exchange phones will only be available in Apple retail outlets, allowing consumers to receive immediate and avoiding having to send their equipment by mail.

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