Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Apple redesigns mobile platform and launches new music service - Público.pt

redesigned Apple iOS system, which equips the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, and revealed at a conference on Monday in San Francisco, the already anticipated iTunes Radio, a service to listen to music for free, which will be monetized by company with commercials.

iTunes Radio lets you listen to streaming music , grouped into “stations” that can go adapting to the taste.

Despite the success of iTunes and the impact that the store had in the music industry, Apple’s attempts to create a social discovery feature music have not had much success. ITunes Radio now presented is integrated with the latest music discovery service Twitter and includes a button to buy the songs directly. Is only available in the U.S., but the company plans to expand it to other countries.


iOS 7, one of the most awaited news for enthusiasts of the brand comes up with a very different visual and gives up some of the aesthetic aspects that were present on the platform since the launch of the iPhone in 2007.

Part of the presentation emphasized the new aesthetic, developed under the supervision of Jonathan Ive, responsible for designing some of the most iconic brand products. Among the changes are new icons, transparency, a new typography. In some aspects, the system approaches the aesthetics of Windows Phone.


more features to be accessed from the lock screen of the mobile phone and Apple extended to multi-task possibility for all applications, which means that the user may fail to operate any application, while other uses.

Even before showing the new mobile system, the executive, Tim Cook, spent several minutes emphasizing the fragmentation of the Android system, which leads the market. Cook noted that there are several versions of Android to be used, arguing that this is a problem for application developers.

Apple’s shares, which have fallen about 37% since September, the month in which was presented the iPhone 5, were, at the time of publication of this article in slight decline. The price was at $ 439.45,

down 0.53% over the price Friday.


, Philip Schiller, senior vice president of marketing, had risen to the stage to introduce a new line of ultra-portable Macbook Air, stating that the battery is able to last “all day”. According to company data, the model with 11-inch screen has a battery life of nine hours, and 13-inch gets 12 hours of operation before being loaded. Both models are already being shipped to retail.

Schiller also showed a new line of Mac Pro family of computers designed for professional users, typically video and image. In addition to improving performance, the presentation stressed the new design of the computer, which occupies one-eighth of the volume of the previous Mac Pro and looks like a black cylinder. The executive also noted that the computer, which will be available by the end of the year, is assembled in the USA – Apple has been criticized both by working conditions in factories in China that hires such as by failing to create jobs in American industry.

was also revealed the tenth version of the operating system OS X. And Apple seems to have exhausted the list of cats whose name can be given to an operating system. The new system is called Mavericks, a reference to a place in California. It is the first time a version of OS X does not have the name of a feline (version 10.0 was called Cheetah and 10.9, Mountain Lion).

The new system brings new features for file management, including separators in file management application (Finder) and the possibility of assigning them labels (eg, “important”, “draft”, “work”, ” school “), allowing access to all files categorized label, regardless of where the user has saved. According to Apple, the Mavericks includes improvements in performance and energy consumption.

The new system also includes the iBooks application, which Apple had released for mobile devices, and allows you to buy and read books. The Safari browser also comes renewed, with what the company says are performance improvements. The Mavericks will be available in the autumn.

Apple also showed a version of iWorks (package of Apple’s productivity applications to create text documents, presentations and spreadsheets) that works online, through browser .

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