Sunday, June 16, 2013

Google reveals secret lab project Loon: Balloons ... - Net & Tech

Google X – the secret laboratory of the internet giant – has unveiled his new project that aims to bring the Internet to all inhabitants of the planet. The idea is so simple that it seems crazy, but the truth is that already being tested in New Zealand . Google engineers intend cover the planet with giant stratospheric balloons that send a wifi signal everywhere .

Two out of three inhabitants of the planet is not online, even if you want and get it to economic conditions. But simply dwells in a place where there is no coverage. The engineers of the secret lab Google – Google X – meant to solve the problem with a network of large balloons – similar to weather balloons – that will send wifi signal from an altitude of 20 kilometers.

Loom project began to be drawn this year but is already being tested in New Zealand, where 3 0 balloons have been released and are now connected to antennae recetoras special quality testing signal. The secret laboratory Google X is the same birthplace and the Google Glass began the project of self-controlled cars.

The technology and science behind this project is quite simple. The balloons are placed at an altitude of 20 kilometers, the stratosphere, and Google engineers are able to control them from the command post. balloons use both currents existing at that time, to move from east to west or in the opposite direction. You can view a more detailed explanation in the video laboratory Google X ahead.

placement of balloons to 20 kilometers altitude obeys two fundamental reasons for the success of the program. On the one hand, it is here that we find the air currents that engineers intend to use to move the balloons. And moreover, this is a safe altitude for traffic, since the vast majority of aircraft flies to an altitude of 10 kilometers and meteorological balloons are placed at a height of 25 kilometers.

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If the tests go well, Google predicts that within a few years the whole of humanity has the possibility to be connected teconológica. With this project, barriers such as oceans, mountains or the jungle will no longer be an obstacle to the signal, since the balloons will eventually cover the entire planet with wi-fi signal at a speed equivalent to 3G “or even more fast, “according to the announcement on the official Google blog.

Mike Cassidy, the project director Loom, explains the challenges it faces in the post placed on the official Google blog:

“Many projects have looked at high altitude platforms to provide Internet access to areas on the ground but trying to stay in a fixed position requires a system with greater cost and complexity. So the idea was pursued based on releasing the balloons and let them navigate freely on the winds. All you had to do was figure out how to manage your way through the sky. We’ve found a way to do this using only the wind and solar power: we can move the balloon up or down to catch the winds that want them trip This solution then led us to a new problem: how to manage a fleet of balloons to sail around the world and achieve that each balloon is exactly the area you want when you need it. We are working on it with some very complex algorithms and computing power. “

Google decided to make it public because the project needs “test pilots”. All those living in New Zealand can apply to be the first to test the quality of this new technology from Google that can once again revolutionize the world.

Google launched a page which explains the project Loom and where everyone who wants to be “test pilot” live in New Zealand can apply.

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