Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ministry promotes debate on the World Day to Combat ... - Terra Brazil

June 17, 2013 upgraded to 14h46

The Ministry of Environment (MMA) on Monday celebrated the World Day to Combat Desertification, with an event to discuss policies to combat the problem, in addition to mitigating the effects of drought and living with the semiaridez. With the theme Living with Semiaridez: Drought and Water, debates end tomorrow.

For the executive secretary of MMA, Francisco Gaetani, the agenda of desertification is care and preservation. “It is an agenda that relies on the scientific, technological and ecological. Much of the causes of desertification is by the action of man, a predatory action, that does not value our major assets.”

The opening event included the launch of the book Supporting Local Initiatives to Combat Desertification, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). To Stelliany Symlon, IICA’s technical consultant in natural resources and adaptation to climate change, the book “is a compiled project that predict combating desertification with 22 initiatives and actions financed by the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GIZ) and the MMA” .

To commemorate the day, beyond the debates of the 3rd Extraordinary Meeting of the National Committee to Combat Desertification (CNCD), has assembled an exhibition with photos, crafts and food (sweets and cheeses), produced in local coexistence with semiaridez. The exhibition is in the auditorium of the Ministry of Environment (in SEPN 505 North) in Brasilia.

Even live animals keychains: see damage to the environment of man


The cougar also appears on the Red List of Endangered Animals IUCN

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    Woman poses with loaded turtles living in small plastic bags bought in Beijing. Each of these bag, filled with a liquid oxygen and nutritious, can keep the animal fed for two months

    Photo: Reuters

    Agency Brazil

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