Friday, June 28, 2013

Mission scientists leads to the discovery of riddles about the Sun - News Journal

The Sun the star that most influences life on Earth and yet, still so many doubts from scientists about the constitution of the king star. To unravel some of the mysteries that still remain, the NASA sent Thursday to the space, the satellite IRIS. The mission of observations, which last about two years, est preached in 182 million dollars.


the acronym in English of Espectgrafo Images of the Interface Region, which gave its name to the NASA mission aims to investigate how the mass is the king star moves , gain energy and heats up as it passes through a region little known even at the bottom of the solar atmosphere.

The satellite carries with it a telescope to observe a region called the sun interface. This area by two other constituda: cromosfera and

transition. The interface located between the photosphere est – the more visible surface of the sun – and crown, that is, the external atmosphere of the star, are formed a region where the solar wind and most ultraviolet emissions, with effects on climate and human health.

IRIS was designed to use an ultraviolet telescope in order to obtain images of high resolution spectrum, and in a few seconds.


explained in the beginning of the month, scientists at the U.S. space agency, the data obtained by satellite permitiro understand how energy “is distributed at the Corn degrees Celsius in the solar corona “(outer part of the solar chromosphere, a layer of solar) and how the solar wind driven (continuous emission of charged particles from the solar corona).

Scientists also want to know why the temperature in the solar corona much higher than the temperature of the photosphere, which reaches six thousand degrees Celsius.

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