Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Imagine the Google Glass, only for contact lenses - Telemoveis.com

Researchers have managed to create a prototype of a smart contact lenses whose functionalities potentially should equate to the Google Glass, a future still some distance away.

The future is just around the corner: the Google Glass with the concept of ‘wearable devices ‘ will shoot, and thereby raise the potential of mobile devices to new standards, best even better if we could only use a smart contact lenses, which besides being more discreet are also – relatively – less intrusive than a pair of intelligent glasses.

It was this idea that a group of researchers from several institutions around the world could develop: a contact lens’ transparent, highly conductive ‘and consists of a’ elastic mixture of graphene and nanowires ‘, whose features it should ideally match those of Google Glass.

src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_volL7Q2JebzX6MVvdpulW6QDuyGk44kWM5US0ZDqsu75vL5eaHbr03ZPMzEwYRoAIWDlPrshV6VgHzi_xOVwiQO_n4z74BEobXrmjBhJmoS-XBOHxlh4DlpcMoCUNCGxZQLxUGQlJbr5O1igffmvZ6hwGZr6BW6p94=s0-d" title="Imagine the Google Glass, only for contact lenses" width=" 565 ">

The lenses will have been tested and found to be fully functional. ‘ Our goal is to create a contact lens with a usable screen that allows you to do all the things that Google can Class ‘ do, said Jang-Ung Park, a chemical engineer at the National Institute of Science Technology and Ulsan in South Korea

lenses are still practically in a state of prototype and probably take several years to be undertaken – the screen of the lenses tested, for example, is only one pixel. The expectations of the research team, however, seem to be quite high, since some contact lenses may play roles as intelligent medical monitoring and correction of vision problems.

What do you think of this idea? Be able to use some contact lenses intelligent? Or would opt instead for glasses of Google? Give us your opinion!

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