Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Chrysler automobile industry accepts request and will check 2.7 million ... - News to the Minute

Automotive Chrysler accepts request and will check 2.7 million Jeeps

The German manufacturer Chrysler announced today that it will comply with the request of the agency U.S. road safety (NHTSA) and draw 2.7 million vehicles 4×4 Jeep brand because of fire hazards.

Chrysler, controlled by Italian FIAT, NHTSA and resolved the dispute and opposed the automaker will launch a “campaign volunteer” for the vehicles in question, which will include

an inspection and, if necessary, modifications to the rear frame, refers a statement from Chrysler.

Since early this month that Chrysler maintains an arm wrestle with the NHTSA, which required send for the Jeep Grand Cherokee, with models from 1993 to 2004, and the Jeep Liberty models from 2002 to 2007, a total 2.7 million vehicles.

At the time, Chrysler, disagreed with the conclusions of NHTSA, adding that he would call to inspect the vehicles.

“These vehicles are not defective and are the safest in its class”, today reaffirmed the manufacturer, who, however, has agreed to call the vehicle for inspection.

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