Monday, September 15, 2014

“There are conditions” to increase the minimum wage to 500 euros … – PT Journal

President of the Economic and Social Council says that “the Government is making an effort” to reach agreement on the rise in the minimum wage. For Silva Peneda, “there are conditions” for this climb determine a value, “at least” more than EUR 500.

The rise in the national minimum wage (NMW) seems to be a given for the various social actors and the Government. The problem is the value to set, as well as the automatic update mechanisms.


This is because a trade union confederations, UGT, whatever the amount of 485 passes (frozen since 2011) for 500 euros but with retroactive to July, or 505 if the decision is not taken before October.


The CGTP defends higher amounts (515 euros with effect in June, 540 euros in January next year and 600 euros in 2016), but was not represented in an informal meeting, held on Friday, promoted the Secretary of State Employment.


The challenge of UGT faces the claims of patronage. The Confederation of Trade and Services of Portugal (CCP) refuses to update the NMS before next year, while the Confederation of Portuguese Industry (CIP) and the Confederation of Farmers of Portugal (CAP) to admit the climb in October for 500 euros provided that no retroactive.


“It is very difficult to define a set of automatic for years, allowing to create an auto-update mechanism criteria” said Vieira Lopes, the CCP, the Economic Daily.


These differences between the various interlocutors not discourage President of the Economic and Social Council (CES). Silva Peneda remains convinced that increasing SMN can be done “this year” to values ​​that “at least”, stand at around 500 euros.

  “I think there are conditions,” argued the former minister, also the Economic, noting that “the government is making an effort” in order to formalize the social dialogue on the subject.

The next Wednesday, no new informal gathering once again sponsored by the Secretary of State for Employment.


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