Sunday, August 2, 2015

Ricardo Salgado: of “Owner of all this’ to justice Knitwear – Digital Journal

After more than 20 years in BES’s leadership, Salgado, 71, stepped down to June 20, 2014, before the intervention of the Bank of Portugal in the entity, which took place on 03 August 2014.

About a month after giving up the presidency of the BES, after pressure from the banking supervisor for months for that to happen, Salgado was arrested on July 24, 2014 under the operation Blanc, which investigates most money laundering network discovery in Portugal.

After the court hearing, were applied to Ricardo Salgado the enforcement measures of subjection to deposit in the amount of three million euros , no ban on national territory and prohibition of contact with certain people.

According to prosecutors, involved in this process in which Ricardo Salgado was questioned is possible practice of fraud crimes, breach of trust, forgery and money laundering.

Since then, several other administrative contraordenacional and criminal nature of proceedings were instituted against the former managers of BES, with Salgado to the head.

The most media so far, it is the case brought by the Bank of Portugal, but many other lawsuits have already brought before the courts, the majority on the initiative of former investors of BES and GES (shareholders and underwriters of investment products), but also by associations defending the rights of consumers, such as the DECO.

More recently, on July 24, the former banker was heard in the Central Criminal Court of Instruction (TCIC), in Lisbon, under investigations of the so-called ‘Universe Holy Spirit’.

Since then, the former president of BES was under house arrest since he was forced to “stay in the housing, which can only leave with authorization of the judge “said his lawyer, Francisco Proença de Carvalho outside the TCIC, adding immediately that would appeal the decision.

Before, Salgado did not get rid of two hard long hours of hearings in a parliamentary commission of inquiry . the management of BES / GES, where he was confronted by Members of the five parliamentary groups with many questions, many of which went unanswered

Back, were more than two decades in BES leadership: Ricardo Salgado took the first time the chief executive of BES in 1991, after privatization, starting a journey that has led to increased 8% market share to 20% and internationalization BES.

Married and father of three sons, Ricardo Santo Silva Salgado Spirit was born June 25, 1944, in Cascais, but spent the first years of his life in Lisbon, Lapa, where he lived.

He studied at a public elementary school and more later, he joined the Liceu Pedro Nunes.

In 1969, graduated from the Higher Institute of Economics and Finance, Technical University of Lisbon and fulfilled military service in the Portuguese Navy in Training Course officers of the Naval Reserve.

Three years later, in 1972, he joined the team of Banco Espirito Santo and Commercial Lisbon, first to take over the Office of Economic Studies and later the Credit Department, where he remained until 1975, when the bank nationalization.

The Portuguese banker threw himself from Brazil between 1976 and 1982, the reconstruction of the Espírito Santo Group, work which followed later in Switzerland, 1982-1991.

After the privatization of the bank in 1991, Ricardo Salgado came then the chief executive of BES. A year later he was appointed “Economist of the Year” by the Portuguese Economists Association and in 2001 “Person of the Year” by the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce of Brazil.

In 2002 he was appointed to the Supervisory Board of Euronext NV in Amsterdam, and in 2006 he participated in the merger of Euronext with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), integrating the board as non-executive member until 2011, and even been non-executive director of Banco Bradesco (Brazil), 2003-2012.

The former strongman of BES was above board member of the GES, vice president of the board and chief executive of the bank president.

Positions still racked with the presidency council management of Espírito Santo Financial Group SA -. Luxembourg and the chair of the board of directors of Banco Espírito Santo de Investimento

The Portuguese banker also joined the board of directors of Banque Privée Espírito Santo SA– Lausanne and the board of directors of Banque Espirito Santo et de la Vénétie. – Paris

Throughout his life, he was repeatedly distinguished, having been awarded “Chevalier du Mérite of L’Orde National de France “in 1994 and received the” Grade of Grand Officer of the Order of the Southern Cross “, the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, in 1998.

In 2005, it was awarded” Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur the French Republic “and two years ago, in 2012,” Commander’s Cross Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary “.

Since two years ago, in July 2013, the Technical University of Lisbon distinguish it with the doctorate ‘honoris causa’ for services to the economy, culture, science and university

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