Friday, March 13, 2015

PSP Lisbon dismantles network robberies jewelers – SIC News

According advanced the PSP in a statement, the criminal investigation division arrested the four men on the afternoon of March 8, on suspicion of having committed “multiple crimes of theft qualified “.

The group is suspected of assault in the early hours of 8 February, a goldsmith at Avenida Almirante Reis in Lisbon, from which they were stolen objects worth 80,000 euros, said the statement of the PSP.

To consummate the crime, the suspects were introduced in an adjacent house and made a hole in the ceiling, through which entered the establishment.

Along the research were gathered evidence that allowed impute to “at least three robbery crimes and four simple theft,” said the Cometlis.

At the time of arrest, the authorities conducted a house search, and seized several stolen objects and various tools used for the commission of the crimes, including mobile phones.

The detainees, who have criminal records for “numerous crimes of theft and theft”, were taken to a first judicial interrogation in the District Court of Lisbon and three of them were in custody.


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