Submarines: Lisbon upheld the acquittal of 10 defendants
Lisbon – The judges Judges of the Court of Appeal of Lisbon decided to keep the ten acquittals in the case involving the counterparts in the business of submarine
The Court of Appeal of Lisbon decided to keep the ten acquittals in the case involving the counterparts in the business of submarines. The court ruled not be proven guilty of fraud to the State and falsification of documents, stating also void the expertise held by Intelli company.
With this decision ratio, the criminal proceedings counterparts submarines reached the Finally, it can not be appealed to the Supreme Court.
The process was as defendants three directors of multinational Man Ferrostal (which belongs to the German Submarine Consortium German consortium) and seven Portuguese businessmen linked to business parts and components of automotive.
Recently, the main process that was under investigation for several years, was filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation and Prosecution (DCIAP) and the Socialist MEP Ana Gomes, as an assistant, tried to reopen the case because of alleged flaws and inconsistencies in the investigation.
(c) PNN
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