Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Federation of Transport Unions says that is guaranteed … – Journal News

“This is not new, but it must be said that Metro security is to be guaranteed by its employees long ago, despite the divestment of policies pursued by the company’s board of directors,” he said.

The Journal of Notícias reported today that the Lisbon Metro ordered that a whole system of security and automatic driving of the compositions, which dispensed with the direct intervention of the driver

This system (ATP / ATO. – Automatic Train Protection / Automatic Train Operation) have been plucked from the Red Line (between San Sebastian and the airport) because the company did not show readiness to extend the scheme to new stations to the airport Portela, as advocated reports produced internally.

The paper highlights have had access to several documents, assigned by sources close to the metro, which warned of the security issues and the fact that the transport structure is becoming obsolete.

Speaking to Lusa, the leader of FECTRANS stressed that this “is not new, nor is it a surprise.”

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