Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Apple in talks to offer TV on the Internet – News Minute to

The technology giant Apple is in talks with several US television networks to offer television service over the Internet with 25 channels in September, today reported The Wall Street Journal.

According to the daily, the service will include programming television networks such as ABC, CBS and Fox and will be available on devices like the Apple TV.

The talks do not include at the moment, NBC Universal, owner of TV channel NBC and cable channels like USA and Bravo, due to disagreements between Apple and Comcast Corp.

Apple and Comcast were in talks last year about the possibility of launching a television service over the Internet, but did not reach agreement.

The negotiations iPhone manufacturer include the CBS and the 21st Century Fox, among other companies, providing for the offer of a package with a monthly cost between 30-40 dollars.

This bid shall be announced in June, but will only be released in September.

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