Saturday, March 28, 2015

NASA Scott will return the oldest space than twin brother – News Minute to

Mark and Scott Kelly have the same DNA, so it’s easy to see what the differences between them which are caused by the radically different environments.

NASA will study the differences between the two, after Scott Kelly spend a year in space while Mark Kelly, her twin brother, six minutes older, is on land.

When you return from your stay a year in Station Space International, Scott will be even younger than Mark, but at the same time will have more aged than his brother.

The two will be observed by a team of medical professionals and researchers from several universities, which will try to understand how to stay in space affect Scott comparing it to his twin.

The time will pass more slowly for Scott in Earth orbit (three milliseconds slower) so you have aged less Mark with respect to the passage of physical time.

On the other hand, when reunited within one year, Scott be biologically older. The researchers will study the impact of weightlessness on their bones, arteries, and even in bacteria of the intestines, as well as how it is affected by cosmic rays, a type of radiation that comes from deep space and that can damage DNA and therefore cause a faster aging.

The American astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko departed today for the International Space Station. The most recent missions have a duration of six months, but these astronauts will stay in

space for 12 months.

NASA hopes that this mission will bring new data on adaptation and reaction of the human body to space flight more long, which helps prepare missions to Mars that can last at least 500 days.


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