Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Google Now will include information from all app – News Minute to

It is soon the arrival of information from all applications in the mobile Google Now

Google Now -. Application that works as a personal assistant – will include information about all applications installed on the mobile device advances the The Next Web.

The news was shared by one of the top executives of Google Now, the Chennapragada Aparna, who in an interview to the publication, said that soon all developers can work on the integration of their apps to the Google tool.

In addition to including the more apps content, Google Now will still be able to select one that will appear in the feed, and will give priority The most frequently used by the user tool.

Another feature was announced waiting time alert, having been given the example of amusement parks. Therefore, a trip to Disneyland will be possible through the Google Now, how many people ahead of us in the queue.

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