The first round of negotiations between the Minister of Internal Affairs, Anabela Rodrigues, and the unions representing PSP officers ended on the afternoon of Friday deadlocked. The Minister requires unions to submit the amendments to the PSP’s status as a draft submitted by the Chief Executive, while the unions do not disarm and refuse to provide documentation with suggestions that say they have made verbally to the ruling.
In fact, the ten unions in the PSP had already agreed that no individual would present proposals in writing in logic that any formal suggestion will be presented by the trade union front made in this area.
“This is clearly an impasse, the minister wanted us to present documentation, but you know what we want to see changed. It is regrettable also that this proposed statute does not come after all positively devote PSP condition as a special body in the Civil Service. What emerges is a negative discrimination, “said Armando PUBLIC Ferreira, president of the National Police Union (Sinapol), a structure that was Friday meeting with the minister. The ruling does not preclude the possibility of early even before the agents resort to organizing demonstrations against the statute proposed by the Government.
The status proposal has caused tension at various levels not pleasing neither unions nor the very direction national police and threatens to create a rift between the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the unions and the management of PSP, unusually together against the authority.
After this round, the unions held a general meeting on 7 April to define what they will do next. The unions point out that the statute removes rights cops and is worse than the current regulation. Under the proposal, the agents start to have 22 days of holiday against 25 current and maintains the 40-hour working week when the unions claim the return to 36 hours per week.
The MAI also want that the PSP can continue to work in the pre-reform. This will depend on the will of the police, who will work in the administrative area. On retirement, the agents are not automatically entitled to continue to have weapon, contrary to what happens now.
The proposal says that early retirement may be required when agents service complete 36 years and 58 years old. However, the last law of the state budget froze the pre-retirements or in PSP or in GNR.
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