Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Facebook lets go back in time and reminisce old posts – publico






Do not you remember that through shared on your Facebook profile for a year, two or three? As of now, there is a new feature on the social network, the On This Day (this day) that allows users to recover posts or photos you shared or in which put a tag .


                          The presentation was made on Tuesday in Blog Facebook product manager at the company, Jonathan Gheller . According to him, this kind of digital memory is only visible to the user, who can share it at its discretion.

Through On This Day, you can consult a specific day of your history on Facebook and view your feed news for a year or two, for example. The feature allows you to activate notifications so that you know when you have memories to remember a specific day, explains the social network. To do this simply go to and click receive notifications. The function is not yet available to users in Portugal.

Another of the possibilities of this new feature is the editing or deleting a post published in the


To share a memory at feed news or , Facebook allows you to select the location where sharing is done, add a message and identify friends who will receive the post and click Share.

The memory can be viewed only by the user or by any person who is part of the group of friends previously selected for viewing. Facebook warns that some people can not see the shared memory due to the original privacy settings.



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