Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spanish police help PSP with tourists at Easter – The Ball


                         “Those who whistled Iniesta have no shame ‘- Hiddink – The picker from the Netherlands, Guus Hiddink, was deeply angry and disillusioned with the Dutch fans who whistled the average Andrés Iniesta, on Tuesday, during particular between the two selections.
 “At first I did not notice, but suddenly realized that they were whistling Iniesta and I was very angry. Those who did not have shame because refereed someone who is a great person, a great sportsman and a great footballer, in this order, “Hiddink said in statements to the Spanish press.
 The Dutch picker know the reason whistles the average Spanish.
 “If anyone thinks he stole the World to the Netherlands, then it is a petty person. Spain won the game with a goal from Iniesta, who fulfilled its obligation, as did Van Persie and Robben in Brazil. I do not agree with whistles, do not understand and do not approve of. ”

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