Friday, March 20, 2015

School in poisoning reaches 17 people but not serious – News Minute to

The intoxication registered today in high school Sancho I, in Famalicão, reached 14 students and three adults, but “there is no case that deserves concern,” the councilor of Health reported, based on information from the local hospital.

According to Councilwoman Sofia Fernandes, some of the people there were received, including a teacher, have had high, as should happen “at any time” to other.

“There are some who are making medication because of abdominal pain, but there is no case that deserves concern,” he reiterated.

The intoxication causes are not yet cleared but the principal of the school, Antonio Pinto, admits that it may have been something that students ate on Wednesday, during a study visit to Braga.

“Except for one, all the other students are of the same class, “he added.

Previously, the official said that intoxication could be related to the air cooling system, and remembered that, on Wednesday, a school official has been to aspire and to clear some ventilated air filters, in the administrative area.

“We do not know if you can establish a connection between this and the poisoning, but is obviously a hypothesis which initially do not rule,” added .

All affected with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Today, many students of that class were no longer at school, because

they have identical symptoms.

According to António Pinto, the room of the affected class will be closed, having been asked to Parque Escolar do an inspection.


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