Thursday, March 26, 2015

Fraud in direct debits: Your NIB can be used by … – PT Journal

Are you in the habit of checking your bank account? A change in the law led banks to no longer obliged to give the holder of the NIB for direct debits. This means that someone may be malicious use your NIB to pay expenses, even without your knowledge.

The change in the law occurred in August last year, but it is only now that the first cases are being developed: there are people take a bank identification number (NIB) to third parties for direct debit payments

One of the victims of this ‘cool fraud’ was a sports association, whose partner Margarida Henriques. found that were paid about 100 euros costs for a service that was not hired.

“There were three movements that were not identified with any transaction that we had done, nor with any debit authorization. The three movements totaling almost 100 euros, “said Margaret Henriques, the Renaissance.

This is a hoax ‘legal’ because banks are no longer required to check the NIB for direct debit payments, following the banking harmonization in the European Union in August 2014.

Now, anyone can fill a Direct Debit Authorization with an alien NIB, since banks can not afford to whom it belongs. A NIB that can be yours, since banks can not be an active part in the agreements between provider and user of the service, even if it is provided a third-party NIB.

“Everyone comes to the internet , takes a NIB, NIB put that as your creditor the entity has nothing stating that that NIB is the person. From here, anything can happen. “Exemplified Henriques Daisy

This partner, according to statements made to the Renaissance, who discovered the association to pay expenses walked through one of the suppliers:” It was a gentleman Cascais, which had given our NIB to the direct debit service that he was enjoying the MEO. “

What can you do? Pay attention to the bank statement and go to court, as Carla said Varela, consumer protection association’s lawyer Deco, quoted by the same radio.

First, the victim has to “automatically terminate at the credit institution concerned “the misuse of your bank


” You can simultaneously, and up to an ATM, cancel the debit order with immediate effect and, once determined the situation in particular, to report to the Bank of Portugal, “he added

Then should.” at the credit institution, request reimbursement of the amounts improperly charged, since there is not an ancillary agreement – which in this case would be with a telecommunications company – endorsed by the account holder, which did not authorize any debit account, “added the lawyer


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