Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Craps used human and waters are mine potential … – Daily News – Lisbon

The human excreta and waste water are a potential mine precious metals like gold or silver, or other rare elements such as palladium and vanadium used in electronics, say US scientists.

“There’s metal everywhere, as shampoos and conditioners, other hygiene products, detergents and even nanoparticles in the semi fibers to counteract the stench,” said Kathleen Smith, a scientist at the US Institute of Geophysics, during annual conference of the Society of American Chemical

Another study recently published in the journal “Environmental Science & amp; Technology Paper”., the waste water from one million Americans may contain precious and rare metals a value of 13 million dollars (12 million euros).

Whatever its origins, these metals are present in the waste water and end up in treatment plants.

According to Kathleen Smith, more than seven million tonnes of this waste are produced annually in the US, of which about half is used as fertilizer in agricultural fields and forests, while the rest is incinerated or released in a discharge.

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