Monday, March 30, 2015

Marcelo think “unexplained” Minister of arguments about VIP list – Express

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa defended this Sunday that the Minister of Finance will have to find other arguments to explain the alleged VIP list of contributors, since those presented are “unexplained”.

“To say that government is autonomous from political rulers and then the fact that it is impossible for a ruler in his ministry to know everything that goes on does not serve,” said the commentator on TVI.

For the PSD of the former leader is clear that a ruler can not know everything that goes on in your sector, but stresses that this case is not anything that is at stake. “She has to know the consequences of illegal access to IRS accounts is inexplicable that the minister who appeared late -. Only two weeks later, and at the request of many families say this, that would only be for smaller matters,” argued <. /> p>

About BES case, Marcelo lamented that the audit should only be completed early next year, mocking: “It was advanced the idea that it would be quick, now spoken in 2016. this is only because Portugal is Portugal. ”

For the former leader of the Social Democrats is a “situation that perplexes Portuguese and empties the authority who commands audits and who performs them.”

While on the BES, considers that the explanations of the Deputy Prime Minister in the commission of inquiry are acceptable but only in part. “What Paulo Portas said has all the logic. When the troika was here until May already since November there was talk in the case BES. It is not without reason, but curiously beyond the troika was also here the government,” he noted.

“Garden depart from the policy Impossible?”
On the subject which marks the Sunday night – the regional elections in Madeira – Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa cheered the departure of Alberto João Jardim political life, giving way to a successor with an independent position on the historic leadership

of the Regional Executive.

“I that much criticized Alberto João Jardim living almost rot [in politics] him that ended up leaving voluntarily or involuntarily – he said he voluntarily. – underwent a process that ended well, “he said

In the opinion of Marcelo, Miguel Albuquerque is a successor to the opposite Alberto João Jardim, who defined an independent position, opposing him at the last party congress, which had “its own way”. “This result is perfect to Luís Albuquerque, but very good for the PSD,” he stressed.

Asked about the possibility of Garden depart from the policy, Marcelo says that “it is impossible . As Mário Soares and Jorge Sampaio “.


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