TODAY at 9:21 updated 16:51
Despite opposition from internal opinions and European recommendations, the administration of the Lisbon Metro has retained dismantle a safety and automatic driving system, ATP / ATO (Automatic Train Protection / Automatic Train Operation), valued at 20 million euros, towards a system already at 37, the Automatic Braking Device VIA (DTAV).
The news is in the advanced edition of Tuesday’s Journal News, with daily adding that decision to withdraw the ATP / ATO system of walls and trains on the Red Line, which connects the station to San Sebastian Airport, was due to the lack of availability in the company extend it to the last station line recommendation contained in reports produced internally.
Now on the system now responsible for security on the Red Line, a technician from the company told the newspaper that it operates in a ‘timely’ for cases of ‘excess speed “, and has not proven effective, for example, when one of the drivers collided with the wall.
” The DATV is a control point for speeding. But did not prevent the collision, for example, what happened recently at the airport and left the train accordion type. The company hid the pictures because the driver was tired and sped off the airport station. Eventually hit the wall because there was no braking system ‘, reported the technical, unidentified, told
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