Thursday, March 12, 2015

IAVE says that discounts the use of the old agreement the exam is 0 … – Daily News – Lisbon

The students this year to use the old spelling agreement in Portuguese exam will have discounts in note by misspelling. As the DN said, the s discipline of teachers indicated that these discounts could go up to five values ​​(ie 50 points in 200), a scale of zero to 20.

Today, the Institute for Educational Assessment (IAVE), responsible for the preparation of national tests and the definition of its correction criteria, expressed concern with the “social alarm” this information “may result in students and their families “and ensures, in a statement, that” the probability of devaluation misspelled due to the use of the old spelling is 0.6 points, or 1 point at 200 “.

While admitting that students can lose 4 points (40 points) for lack of “linguistic correction,” lists here are included spelling, syntax, morphology, lexical impropriety. still stressing that “the misspelling concerns only one of several planned depreciation factors “and that” with reference value 200,000 Spelling Vocabulary entries Portuguese (VOP), the percentage of words changed by the AO in Portugal is 1.56%. “

In view of these data, the IAVE believes that “even if students choose not to respect the AO [Spelling Agreement], situation whose consequences are properly advised,” “the probability of devaluation for misspellings due to the use of the former is 0.6 points spelling , that is, 1 point at 200 “.


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