Monday, March 9, 2015

Fernando Negrao: “The elites lived all above their … – Business Journal – Portugal

The BES is the mirror of a country that lived debt and up possibilities, particularly among the elites who dug inequalities that are among the highest in the European Union. In an interview with the Economic Daily, the chairman of the committee of inquiry to BES management and GES says it will be important to hear again Carlos Costa and Ricardo Salgado.

The chairman of the committee investigation considers that the BES is the mirror of a country that lived debt and up possibilities, particularly among the elites, says in an interview with Economic Daily, which considers the personal responsibilities are relevant only when the analysis enters the field of minutia. Fernando Negrao reveals that Carlos Costa has yet to explain why left Ricardo Salgado in BES so long, and that the former banker continues to call to find out when you can return to the parliamentary stage.

“I will say that BES not is more than a demonstration of the situation that the country lived until 2011, when it was noticed and asked outside help to have money to pay the internal commitments. To that extent the BES is the visible face of the country situation. Its operation was based also in debt, “he said in an interview with the Economic Daily published on Monday, March 9.

When asked if this is not a benevolent view of the role of BES administration, refuse the reading “It is not the benevolent vision is the systemic view”, riposte, whereas only “if we want to get into the detail of the issue” is that we will conclude that “obviously there are statutory responsibilities of the bank bodies and personalities who occupied the places” .

For Fernando Negrao, “the fall of the BES marks an epoch in our country and that’s very important,” a time of an indebted country “living beyond their means” feeding social inequalities that favored the elites: “It is no accident that we have social inequalities in Portugal. The gap between rich and poor is much higher in Portugal than in most EU countries, because the elites lived all beyond their means “.

On balance the first round of the inquiry committee hearings ., its president regrets the lies and the difficulties in obtaining information, and is careful to not anticipate conclusions that will have to be saved for the final report of the Committee said although the Parliament for the prosecution not followed any document ” In the final part will refer to the prosecutor entire report and all documentation that prosecutors understand is important, “he says, already after lamenting the” small, medium or

I can not even see, from a personal point of view, because that kind of attitude, that ignorance of showing who know not ignore. That demonstrate those unfamiliar, what we know he knows well.

Fernando Negrao about hearing Zeinal Bava in the CPI

big lies “of those called to the Commission, and the difficulty in obtaining information and documents consultants, CMVM and Banco de Portugal.

Zeinal Bava, former CEO of PT, the company invested and should lose almost one billion euros in BES, is identified as one that missed the clearest form of truth “I evaluate negatively” his performance on the investigative committee, answered, explaining:. “I can not even see, from a personal point of view , because that kind of attitude, that ignorance of showing who know not ignore. That demonstrate those unfamiliar, what we know he knows well. “

Carlos Costa has explaining to do, Salgado wants to return to the stage

In anticipation of the second round of hearings, Fernando Negrao says Carlos Costa, the governor of the Bank of Portugal has to explain why left Ricardo Salgado and his team as much time in front of the bank after having identified problems and sought to isolate the rest of the BES group at the end of 2013 (a strategy known as “ring-fencing”). It also shows that Ricardo Salgado continues to call to find out when you can return to the Commission.

“Now we need to hear again the governor of Bank of Portugal to explain to us, for example, why is kept the same people they were before and after the ‘ringfencing’ “anticipates Fernando Negrao who later reveals the contacts with the former CEo of BES,” yet Today Ricardo Salgado call me, from time to time, wondering for example when it will be heard from again. Expressing its willingness to return to the committee, insisting when that will happen. “

To Negrao” the commission for some of these personalities, serves to test the legal strategy that will use the courts. We are talking about people already with old age that no longer resume working life. And right now your only concern are the lawsuits, “he said without specifying whether it is the case of Ricardo Salgado, to be called the second time to Parliament, at least to provide information that may be important to question the central bank governor.


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