Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sea waves puts ten districts in Orange warning - Pú

Dec mainland districts, covering the entire coastline, from this Saturday are under orange notice due to sea waves, in some cases with waves of six to seven meters, informed the Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere.

With yellow warning, given the forecast wind gusts of around 90 km / hour, are the districts of Viseu, Guarda, Vila Real and White Castle and also the districts that received orange warning due to rough seas.

Lisbon between this Saturday and early Sunday morning northwest waves with six to seven meters might occur, decreasing to five to six feet from the start of Sunday morning.


sea wave is expected in Coimbra district will also be buffeted by winds of around 90 kilometers / hour between noon on Saturday and early Sunday afternoon.

Aveiro, Viana do Castelo can also expect waves of six to seven meters, passing for five to six feet from the start of Sunday morning.

In Porto, hopefully like sea waves, with waves of six to seven meters, decreasing to five to six feet from the beginning of Sunday. Are also expected winds of around 90 kilometers / hour, which also earned him a yellow warning.

lower sea waves, but still with orange warning are Faro and Porto, with waves from the northwest with five to six feet until Sunday afternoon.

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