Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Vodafone will ensure the ATM communications network – publico





Vodafone announced Tuesday that it will manage the ATM network communications. The business covers more than seven thousand automated teller machines (ATMs) spread across the country, “a project of great technological sophistication, combining different access technologies, fixed and mobile,” said Vodafone in a statement. Outside the contract are ATMs that are installed in bank branches.

According to the operator headed by Mario Vaz, the contract with SIBS “includes the technological renovation” of the network, whose boxes process as a whole 80 million transactions per month. No advance values, Vodafone points out that the project was “designed as of the ATM network needs” and includes technical and operational management of communications between the ATM and data processing centers, as well as “total renovation of the park “.

According to Vodafone, the provision of services to the largest network of financial services in the country – which last year was still customer of PT Portugal – has a unique engineering team” communications equipment responsible the design, composition and maintenance of the entire operation. ” The service is integrated into the center of international supervision of Vodafone (Atlantic Network Operations Centre) which aims to permanently monitor the company’s networks in Portugal, Spain, UK and Ireland.

The executive president of SIBS, Magdalene Cascais Thomas pointed out that the system of payments Portuguese is one of the “most advanced and complete in the world.” The ATM

network (totaled 12,469 at the end of September, according to the SIBS) ensures the highest per capita equipment and provides approximately 60 different operations.

The agreement with Vodafone will allow the company “to improve further the level of service that the ATM offers already, “said the manager.



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