Sunday, January 10, 2016

Apple notes fields among others – iClub

This new feeds speculation about the launch of a possible drive from Apple in the future but, truth be told, it is also plausible that this novelty is related to the CarPlay technology that is being increasingly common in cars.

The domains registered by Apple during the month of December last year were, and and in this moment, the three sites are not operational. It is not known if Apple has a purpose for domains or if the company plans to just play it safe and have them already in their possession.

Since the beginning of last year has been quite speculated to launch an alleged tram from Apple. It is believed that the company has a staff of approximately 1000 people in this project called Titan and many of them come from the automotive world, including brands such as Mercedes and Tesla.

It is speculated that this electric car, which may be created in partnership with BMW, has a launch scheduled for the year 2019.

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