Friday, January 22, 2016

Facebook launches sports broadcast platform – Exam Information

Of the more than one billion users, about 650 million are sports fans, making Facebook the “largest stadium in the world,” explains the social network in a statement. To please these users, the company wants to build a virtual stadium, where fans can get updates in real time most popular posts, statistics and expert commentary, reports the Reuters .

This may be the response of Facebook in a segment that Twitter dominates that of real-time updates on games that are being undertaken. The network Zuckerberg, however, users will be able to access more content and information.

“The challenge for Facebook is that there are already many communities (such as Facebook Sports Stadium). This is not a one-time offer “, explained Michael Aaron Flicker, the XenoPsi, a company specialized in marketing.

The Facebook initiative will debut in the football before the Super Bowl, scheduled for 7 February, but it is expected to rapidly expand to football and basketball.

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