Wednesday, January 20, 2016

These are the 25 that passwords should not use – Vision

The technologies advance, but by no means the users have learned the lesson number one: the less predictable is your safest passwords are in the virtual world. The Splashdata, password management company, published the fifth consecutive year a list of 25 passwords most commonly used in the world. . Which are consequently more vulnerable

If you are creating an email or facebook account flee to seven feet ‘passwords’ like this: 123456. It is the most basic and, of course, the most used. Opt for the word “password” is also not unique, since it is the second most used on a list with data from more than two million users. ‘Passw0rd’ (replacing the vowel o at zero) also will not let insurance:. Is in 24th place of the table of the most used

’12345678′ and ‘qwerty’, the third and fourth place in the ranking, They are also bad bets. ‘Football’ and ‘baseball’ also put in the ranking of the most vulnerable to cyber attacks. And as smart as it sounds you use as your password this sequence of characters (1qaz2wsx) is not. After all, just playing the characters of the first speakers on a standard keyboard).

real or mythological animals names, such as “monkey” or “dragon”, also made the list of the worst. And this year the fever surrounding the return of the “Star Wars” was also reflected in the imagination of users, if chosen as a password the words ‘starwars’, “princess” or “Solo” (name of one of the protagonists of the film) is better go now change them; as many users had the same idea.

In a statement, Splashdata leaves advice to users. If you do not want others to guess your password, it is best to choose phrases with twelve characters or more and mixed spellings (use upper and lower case, for example), avoid using the same password on different sites and use a manager passwords to generate them randomly.

“We have seen an effort by many people to try more secure passwords adding more characters, but if these passwords continue to be based on simple patterns, your security will continue in risk “, explains the CEO of SplashData, Morgam Slain

Here is a list of 25 passwords frequently

used in 2015:.


2 – password

3- 12345678

4 qwerty


6 123456789

7 – football


9 1234567

10- baseball

11 – welcome

12 – 1234567890

13- abc123

14- 11111

15- 1qaz2wsx

16- dragón

17 – master

18- monkey

19- letmein

20 – login

21- princess

22 – qwertyuiop

23- soil

24- passw0rd

25- starwars


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