Thursday, January 21, 2016

Eight out of ten young people have blocked someone on the network – publico





In partnership with MiudosSegurosNa.Net platform, Facebook launched Thursday an awareness campaign on the dangers of the Internet, with warnings and tools for a safer use of the web . “Think before you share” was based on the results of a survey of a thousand young people, aged 14 and 18, and allowed to set their behavior in social networks to better overcome the threats to their privacy.

Carried out by Netsonda company in the summer of last year, the study Young Portuguese and the use of social platforms on the Internet asked young people about keeping control of their accounts, how to proceed in case of a threat and how they view privacy on the network and the problem of cyberbullying . First of all, the results show that the young people between 14 and 18 have on average three accounts in social networks.

In general, it is concluded that adolescents are aware of the contours and exposure risks online . One of the data that prove this perception is the fact that 80% of them already have blocked or rejected “friends” on the network – and are the s the girls more block, especially when it comes to strangers.

“This study shows that young people are increasingly concerned with privacy, but also proves that, sometimes, at certain times or without realizing it, can share harmful content to others and generate unwanted situations, “he said in a statement Natalia Basterrechea, Public Relations Facebook in Portugal.

Almost all these young people (94% ) recognize that it is not correct to publish negative or embarrassing pictures of others, and 69% consider it wrong to publish photos without permission “even that good.” Running more risks, feathers half of respondents said they would never reveal the password for your account.

According to the same survey, more than half have asked that content was deleted shared on the network about you and co nsidera important to talk to others before publishing content that could harm. The study advances that 5% of respondents spent this year for awkward situations in social networks, of which only 1.5 % consider that the cases were serious. And if anything happened that bothered? The study reveals that 75% were asking for help, and the parents were the most popular (54%) to help resolve the situation.

It was on this basis that the campaign has defined strategies on how to handle data privacy, as react to unwanted exposure and what is the best way to proceed before publishing any

content . This information is also targeting parents, to whom the most young people admits recourse in the case to be bothered on the Internet.

Three guide The pages “Think before sharing” has already been implemented in foreign countries, from India to Canada, and will be available online the Security Center for families of Facebook, proposing ways to keep the privacy of users and providing solutions to circumvent inappropriate or offensive shares.

“It is important that we join efforts to continue to help them make a more and more responsible use of the Internet . That was the main purpose of this guide ‘Think Before Share’: offer them tools for sharing in a safe and appropriate manner, “says Natalia Basterrechea

The project MiudosSegurosNa.. Net, which promotes close community awareness campaigns to minimize the under-exposure risks in the virtual world, especially with actions in schools, became a partner of the initiative just as in 2012, supported Google in creating the “Centro Family Safety “.

In cooperation with six institutions, this is a project dedicated to safe navigation with advice on software and tools that enable educators limit the content of applications and filter by theme to information provided by the search engines.

These digital businesses now have to respond to EC directives of the European Union countries that adopted in December last year, a review of the data protection regulation proposed by the Commission and it has created a pan-European law requiring all foreign companies operating in the EU to respect the internal rules of data protection.




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