Friday, January 15, 2016

Meet the founder of Wikipedia, the “internet entrepreneur who did not became a millionaire” – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

It was on January 15, 2001 which was founded by the hand of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales. Fifteen years later, Wikipedia has become the largest encyclopedia in the world and one of the most visited sites on the internet.

In 1995, Jimmy Wales came with the “boom” of the Internet and leaves the career in finance to become an Internet entrepreneur. A year later, he founded Bomis, a portal that would serve as male search engine, but the project was unsuccessful. Despite the limited success, the Bomis gave Jimmy Wales a platform to develop your passion:. The encyclopaedism

By the way knows Larry Sanger, to which should be added to a new project, starting the creation of an encyclopedia online. Wales hired Sanger as chief editor of the new encyclopedia that would be called Nupedia, whose articles were written by experts and reviewed through a formal process. “The idea was to have thousands of volunteers to write articles for an online encyclopedia in all languages,” said Jimmy Wales in an interview with New Scientist in 2007.

In January 2001, the computer programmer Ben Kovitz suggested the adoption of a concept of encyclopedia “free” and “community” to improve Nupedia, the suggestion that Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales joined immediately, emerging as Wikipedia. This encyclopedia “wiki” (a term originating in the Hawaiian language meaning “quick”) initially was intended to support the Nupedia.

At first, neither Jimmy Wales or Larry Sanger knew what to expect this collaborative encyclopedia. Wikipedia has grown exponentially and has been pegged to the search engines on the web. By the end of 2001, the site had 20,000 articles in 18 different languages. Nupedia and Wikipedia coexisted until 2003, when the first servers were removed and your text embedded in Wikipedia. Today Wikipedia has 38 million pages, 27 million users and 430 million monthly unique visitors.

In 2003, Jimmy Wales founded the Wikimedia, a nonprofit and philanthropic organization that works through public contributions and donations from users, which it uses to finance the Wikipedia and other projects such as Wikibooks or Wikinews.

But not the fact that Jimmy Wales have been one of the internet entrepreneurs, meant to stay millionaire. The profile of the founder of Wikipedia in the New York Times in 2013 account that during the third wedding Jimmy Wales, Kate Garvey, one of the bridesmaids bride joked in his speech, saying that her friend married “the one internet entrepreneur in the world who did not become a millionaire “.

The following year, Jimmy Wales gave an interview to the British newspaper The Guardian where confirmed. “That’s true, I’m not a millionaire. And then? You’re not, and most people will not,” he said. “But most did not build this phenomenal thing, the fifth most popular website in the world,” the journalist from

The Guardian. “Yes, but I love it. It’s so fun,” said Jimmy Wales. According to the New York Times, Jimmy Wales of fortune is estimated at “only” a million dollars.

Jimmy Wales was born on August 7, 1966, in Alabama, United States of America, but the date of birth also generates controversy because, for years, the information consisted of Jimmy Wales page in the organization she founded said he had been born a day later, on August 8.

According to New York Times, this information is incorrect, as the founder of Wikipedia even born August 7. The “free encyclopedia” had “betrayed” its founder, who had to resort to a discussion page on the subject, like all items that generate controversy. “Sorry to tell you, but this information is not verified,” he wrote on the page. “I may have to put here a note signed by my mother as proof.”

With the Wikipedia, also came the recognition. In 2006 entered the list of the top 100 “Scientists and Thinkers” of Time magazine and was in 12th place in the ranking of the top 25 celebrities the internet. In 2013, Wales received the UNESCO medal Niels Bohr in Copenhagen, Denmark, and in 2014 was named as one of 25 “superstars of the Internet” by the Daily Telegraph.

Currently, Jimmy Wales lives in London and continues the service of Wikipedia and Wikimedia, as a member of the board of the Wikimedia Foundation and continuing to edit articles of daily world’s largest encyclopedia.


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