Monday, January 18, 2016

UN calls for quick decision on delegation of the Syrian opposition – TVI24

The UN demanded, on Monday, the major powers to quickly decide the composition of the opposition delegation from the Syrian to the upcoming peace talks in Geneva, at the risk of delaying the process.

Negotiations between the government and the opposition to find a political solution to Syria must begin in Geneva on the 25th, under UN auspices.

According to a script set in Vienna in November 2015 by 17 countries during a period of 18 months should be completed a ceasefire, set up a transitional government and elections held.

“The UN will proceed to issue invitations when countries that are leading the way have decided who will invite the opposition,” said deputy spokesman of the UN, Farhan Haq.

“The UN Secretary-General urges countries to intensify their efforts to reach an agreement,” he added.

The Russian ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, confirmed to journalists deep disagreements on the composition of the opposition delegation.

The Syrian Government has agreed to attend the meeting in Geneva, but first want to see the list of representatives of the opposition.

According to the UN, 400,000 civilians, who are surrounded by government forces or rebels in 15 locations in Syria need

humanitarian aid.


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