Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Differences lead Ana Lourenço out of SIC – Correio da Manhã

Journalist resigned on the day the channel turned 15.

It accompanies working Ana Lourenço?

Low-more than one month, Ana Lourenço, one of the most recognizable faces of the information of SIC, arrived last Friday an agreement with the Carnaxide channel to its output. However, the resignation only yesterday was known as the SIC wanted to keep the news was released on the same date, day of the 15th anniversary of the SIC Notícias.

officer SIC source confirmed the journalist announced last week his decision to leave the station and the direction information of the SIC “accepted the resignation, respecting the decision.” The CM knows Ana Lourenço have spoken to Peter Norton, president of Impresa, and Francisco Pedro Balsemão, who assumes the presidency of the group in March, with whom he struck out without compensation.

In the journalist’s decision of origin will have been “incompatibility” with responsible for the information of SIC, found the CM next to the writing sources. The journalist will not have liked the changes introduced in the evenings SIC News that since November, are led by Clara de Sousa and Rodrigo Guedes de Carvalho.

In a statement, SIC thanked Ana Lourenço the “dedication and work” and wished him “every success”. The CM attempted to contact, all afternoon yesterday, Ana Lourenço and Alcides Vieira, director of information, without success. To remember that the output pivot comes just months after Antonio Jose Teixeira and Martim Cabral also has left the station.


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