Monday, January 18, 2016

Renault promises technical plan to cut emissions of their cars – Revista Saturday

12:54 • Lusa

The automaker Renault has promised to present a technical plan in the coming weeks to cut pollutant emissions from their vehicles.

On Thursday, a committee appointed by the French Government said Renault’s diesel cars failed the pollution tests, while the authorities raided the premises, raising fears that the company might be involved in an emissions scandal similar to the German Volkswagen.

The commission revealed that in results conducted in French and foreign vehicles tests had found carbon dioxide emissions and excessive nitrogen dioxide in cars of the Renault brand.

“We are working on a plan technical which should enable us to reduce emissions, “said the sales manager of Renault, Thierry Koskas, during a presentation of group sales.

” The plan is being developed by our engineering team and will be presented in the coming weeks, “he added.

Unit sales of Renault grew 3.3% in 2015 over the previous year to 2.8 million units worldwide.

“Renault did not cheat,” Koskas said, referring to the issues raised last week about how emissions levels could be so different from the test conditions and the actual conditions on the road.

“I want to emphasize this very strongly,” he said, adding that Renault “is not to use any ‘software’ or other methods [fraudulent].”

“In test conditions, we respect the emissions standards, “he added.

” But when vehicles are no longer in test conditions, there is indeed a difference between the actual conditions and control conditions, that’s a fact, “he said Koskas.

The head of the French company gave no details on what the “technical level” may involve, but said that Renault would meet on Monday, the 18th, with the committee appointed by government to “technical discussions”.

The shares of Renault and other automotive companies have skidded on the stock exchange with rumors that the scandal pollutant emissions can be spread apart from Volkswagen.

Renault Securities fell more than 20% during the Thursday session after the unions have reported that the French

anti-fraud authorities had raided various locations of the company, possibly looking for evidence of fraud in emissions from diesel cars.

On Monday, the 18th, late in the morning, the shares were to fall 3% to 72.88 euros, Renault lost in market capitalization about three billion euros in the last three sessions.

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