Monday, June 8, 2015

Three candidates in the race Cabovisão-Oni –

 The news is advanced in today’s edition of the Business Journal, citing sources close to the process. The French group acquired PT Portugal, concluding the deal last week, you have to sell the two operations that had acquired before the local market to ensure green light from the European regulator to the purchase of PT.

In recent weeks have held meetings with these three bidders to negotiate the assets and meet the proposals and will be opting for a bundled sales strategy of the two companies – ONI dedicated to the corporate segment and Cabovisão night stands in the domestic market.

The interest of Vodafone in Oni and Cabovisão is not new, the operator headed by Mario Vaz had already conveyed that the dossier interests you and was studying it. Just last week told the Business that “we are studying the dossier for some time and will be in a different phase of what was in the past.”

The US has been less clear in relation to the interest in the business, although Miguel Almeida has already made the usual claim, indicating that the US is “always attentive to all market developments.”

However, when he made these statements, the CEO of NOS also indicated that it could not have a more concrete position on the issue by not yet know details such as the price at which the Altice would be interested in selling. ” a fact that though the US may already know.

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