Monday, June 15, 2015

Alibaba is preparing to launch Chinese version of Netflix – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

The Chinese e-commerce giant, Alibaba will launch by August 1 the Internet television service in China similar to Netflix. This bet Jack Ma company coincides with the Netflix announcement be in negotiations with Chinese content distributors to try to enter the Chinese market.

In two months, the Alibaba group will launch the TBO (Tmall Box Office) in China, one in the internet TV service that aims to “become a service like Netflix or HBO in the United States,” said Patrick Liu, head of digital entertainment division of the group, quoted by Bloomberg.

The platform will provide content created by the company itself, but also have other bought internationally, as US rivals.

In the Chinese market will also face competition from services like Tencent, Baidu or Sohu. But unlike these platforms, about 90% of the TBO of the offer will be paid.

“We want to create a whole new entertainment consumer experience at home,” he stressed Patrick Liu.

The entrance of the e-commerce giant in this segment comes after Netflix announcement be in talks with Chinese content distributors to try to enter China, a market with few barriers to entry due to protectionist laws either on television or the Internet.

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