Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Man shoots on his wife and commits suicide after siege of GNR – Daily News – Lisbon

A man shooting his companion this morning in Moita, in Setubal district, barricading if-then at home, and was eventually found dead in the early morning by the GNR, revealed to Lusa source of GNR.

According to a source of the GNR, who had surrounded the house, the surrender negotiations with the security forces did not give any results and, about 7:30 am today, when authorities entered the house faced man ever corpse.

According to the GNR, man will have fired on the companion to the early dawn today, closing after it at home, while the woman was transported to the hospital of St. Joseph, in Lisbon, not danger of life.

The alarm for the incident took place about one in the morning, he told Lusa the same source.

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