Thursday, June 18, 2015

Mayors of AMP disgusted by decision on STCP – publico





The mayors of the Porto Metropolitan Area (AMP) are outraged by the decision, approved at a meeting of the Porto Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATMP), last Tuesday, to integrate in obtaining Public Transport Society of Porto (STCP) operated line in the municipalities of Gondomar, Maia, Matosinhos, Valongo and Vila Nova de Gaia. Some mayors also criticize the fact that the Council representative Porto Metropolitan (CMP) have remained at the meeting, on the grounds that his departure would remove the vote. The marking was requested a meeting of “urgency” to the President of CMP, the Social Democratic Herminio Loureiro, who has warned that the decision of AMTP may be challenged in the courts.


                         The ability to be integrated into the agenda of the meeting of the dying AMTP a point that implies changes in the STCP network management already ran between some councilors on Monday. The president of the Gaia Chamber, Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues, told Publico that was this case that led to telephone Herminio Loureiro, before the meeting. “Because it have appeared that such a proposal would be presented is that, in advance, warned Dr. Herminio Loureiro that it would not accept any change in STCP. He assured me that the Metropolitan Council did not make possible any change of concessions “he says.

In fact, the chairman of the executive committee of the CMP, Lino Ferreira, voted against the proposal, born of a request from STCP so that the AMTP deliberate “add to the general regime of the concession (…) the concession titles for operating the passenger transport public service, granted to domestic operators”. With two votes in favor – Joaquim Knight, president of AMTP, and vowel Ana Pereira de Miranda – and voting against Lino Ferreira, the authority whose extinction has been enacted, with effect from August 9, approved the granting join the set of lines that operated outside the city of Porto, some of which, by private operators.

The application of STCP has the date of 15th June, the day before the meeting, and this was one of reasons given by Lino Ferreira to justify voting against. The representative of CMP also argued in its explanation of vote that AMP had no prior knowledge of this point and therefore had been unable to even hear the mayors about it. Nevertheless, the fact that Lino Ferreira have remained at the meeting is a cause for strong criticism, by some mayors, who want more clarification of Herminio Loureiro.

The award news of public transport lines outside the city of Porto was released this Thursday at Journal News. In the article, it was explained that the Spanish dealer who won the grant competition STCP wins, with this decision the AMTP for ten years, the exploitation of lines in the municipalities mentioned above, when even here, the STCP shared this exploration with private companies and, like them, had to see this renewed award every six months. The daily also indicated that the

presence of the representative of the CMP will allow the existence of a quorum, so its absence would have made impossible that the proposal was even voted.

This was the most outraged the mayor of Matosinhos, Guilherme Pinto, who at the end of last week on the sidelines of a ceremony involving the Atlantic Axis, labeled it “very serious”. Although at that time, still waiting for explanations of Herminio Loureiro, the independent mayor did not fail to say, “This only happens because the CMP attended a meeting which should not have been there.” An attitude of “collaboration”, according to William Pinto who defended “. You’ll have to be explained me”

More critical was still socialist Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues, who said: “At the moment at the meeting tried to hammer meter points, [Lino Ferreira] should leave the meeting. Stay there and vote against is an indulgent way to achieve that. I do not care the vote. You not have to decide things that have no power or legitimacy to decide. The president of the executive committee makes the mayors told. I think he’ll be trying to be president of chamber without going to the polls “The Mayor of Gaia even said that” at this time, is concerned Gaia political trust on the president of the executive committee. “

PUBLIC tried to listen Herminio Loureiro, but this was not possible and in the afternoon, the leader of the CMP issued a statement, saying that municipalities “as future management company current powers of AMTP should have been heard with the necessary advance on the measures that will bring significant changes to the routes operated by STCP, which did not happen. ” The also president of Oliveira Azeméis Chamber clarified that the AMP only learned of the bid schedule “on the day of the meeting” and assured that the AMP and municipalities that comprise it “will trigger all legal mechanisms at its disposal to prevent this proposal enters into force. “




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