The Sony was not afraid to play to the crowd in their conference at E3 on Monday (15). In the event, the company announced “The Last Guardian”, the remake of “Final Fantasy VII” and “Shenmue III”, three of the Japanese games most anticipated by the public in recent years. In the field of the exclusive, the biggest highlight was “Uncharted 4: the thieve’s end”
The announcement that most stirred public emotions present at the event was the confirmation of the remake of “Final Fantasy VVI”. , one of the most classic RPGs of the land of the rising sun. The company has not announced a date for the release, but said the new version of the 1997 game comes first to the Playstation 4. Watch the video above.
The Japanese company has already opened Your conference in Los Angeles with one of the most anticipated games of recent years. “The Last Guardian” had a video with gameplay shown that away rumors that the game had been discarded.
Developed by Fumito Ueda, creator of “Ico” and “Shadow of the Colossus”, the game be released for Playstation 4 at some point in 2016, but was not treated as an exclusive. See the video below.
Now “Shenmue 3″ had its crowdfunding campaign launched officially in the Sony conference. Even the creator of the franchise, Yu Suzuki, was at the event to seek support from fan to raise $ 2 million. Just over an hour later, the project has managed to more than $ 867,000.
The end of Drake
In the field of the exclusive, Sony did not show much strength as rival Microsoft, but ended his event with a presentation of the gameplay of “Uncharted 4: the thieve’s end.”
After a brief setback that made the show started again, the video showed Drake shooting , fighting and driving wildly through the streets of a busy city. The title ended the company event
time Change
Another highlight of the evening was the presentation of “Call of Duty: Black Ops 3″., Who left Microsoft’s conference to be announced by their direct rival. Playstation 4 players will have faster access to all the maps of the game.
According to the developer, the campaign mode of the game was designed from the start to be played on cooperation. According to the company, the announcement begins a strong partnership between Sony and the franchise.
unowned Heaven
A demonstration that wowed the audience was ” No man’s sky “, which sought to clarify the immensity of the game. The gameplay presented was able to show the size of this universe sandbox style game that offers players a whole galaxy to explore.
The video began focusing on a planet and expanded its focus to view the galaxy. Then traveled to the center of the star cluster and visited a random planet, with aquatic life forms and fully interactive structures.
The Force returns
The event Sony also confirmed
“Twilight of the Republic” will be the first group of characters of the franchise created by George Lucas in the game that transfers toys inside consoles. The game will focus on the period presented in the most recent trilogy, and will be released before Playstation 4.
The package will be followed by “Rise against the Empire”, focusing on the original trilogy, and aims to introduce . the younger players in the earliest universe of “Star Wars”
“Star Wars: Battlefront” also received the deserved time and earned a demo video of the gameplay – the second day, after being shown by EA.
Fights, Horizons, expansions and killers
In troubled and evening full of treats for fans, Sony still found time for a brief demonstration of its newest – and important – unique, “Street Fighter V”. The game will win a beta testing phase on 23 July. The fighters Cammy and Birdie were confirmed in the franchise.
“Destiny” will receive the expansion “The king taken” on 15 September, and was entitled to a beautiful demonstration trailer. Before the announcement, the news were presented “Dreams”, the Media Molecule, “Firewatch” and promising “Horizon: Zero Dawn.”, Which features a protagonist tribal fighting robotic animals
Some of the killers famous of the games were also remembered at the event. Sony presented a brief gameplay of “Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate”., And Agent 47, protagonist of “Hitman”, made a brief appearance at the conference
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