Tuesday, June 30, 2015

PS moves forward with design for 33.3% of women quota in … – Digital Journal

The PS today introduced a bill to establish minimum quotas of 33.3% of women on boards and inspection of public and private sector and in executive positions in public administration.

The bill, which reflects a measure that was contained in the electoral program of the PS, “stipulates that the collegial bodies of management and supervision of the public and private sector (in listed companies), the leaders of public administration positions considered by the ministry, is respected a minimum quota of representation of both sexes of 33.3%. “

” In the public sector, non-compliance is sanctioned with the nullity of the respective act of designation, and in the case of listed companies in Private sector scholarship, given the special nature of constitutional constraints, the option goes through a penalty reputational through a mandatory public signs of non-compliance over the internet, “reads the explanatory memorandum.

For all companies in the private sector is envisaged “the use of tax incentives, set annually in the State Budget of thirst.”

The initiative also establishes “a system of mandatory adoption of equality plans in the public and private sector “and determines” the sending of an annual report on the implementation of the law to Parliament until March 08 of each year. “

” As with the creation of legal conditions for achieving parity in political decision-making, it is now strengthening the legal framework for the economic parity of women and men, by setting parity thresholds for making economic sphere decision where Portugal is positioned in places a major disadvantage in the European and international framework “, argue the Socialists.

The PS believes that the approval of this bill will have” a decisive impact and represent a paradigm shift towards greater equity and justice social, and an extraordinary boost for the promotion of equality between men and women in Portuguese society.

The Government signed today with 13 listed companies, representing 70% of market capitalization, a compromise agreement to promote gender equality on boards of directors, told Lusa the Secretary of State Leonardo Mathias.

Ren, EDP, EDP Renováveis, BCP, CTT, Impresa and Media Capital are some of the companies that sign the commitment.

The Government had announced in the Council of Ministers held on March 5, the initiation of negotiations with the listed companies so that they commit themselves to include at least 30% of women in the respective boards of directors by the end of 2018

Digital Diary with Lusa



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