Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fisco.Novas data protection measures can cost five … – Daily News – Lisbon

Data protection measures taxpayers that the Tax Authority (AT) intends to apply can cost five million euros by 2017, more than half a computerized mechanism to monitor the access of workers to tax information.

After the case of ‘VIP list’ and the National Data Protection Commission reports (ICPD) and the Finance General Inspection (IGF), both very critical of Treasury’s actions with regard to the protection of information taxpayers, Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, Paul Nuncio asked the AT to submit to the Government a plan of action, which was made on Friday, told the Lusa agency sources of finance.

Between the main measures of the action plan, presented by the Director-General of the Treasury, Helena Borges, is the implementation of a computer system to control access to tax information from taxpayers, which could cost more than half of the five million euros to be spending on about 30 measures planned by 2017.

This mechanism provides for the creation of a blank space where workers should previously explain why access to information of a taxpayer (a more immediate measure) as well as monitoring and file such access and the definition of risk behaviors that any undue access to data can be detected (2017).

The ICPD and the IGF confirmed the existence of the controversial ‘list VIP ‘taxpayers, which operated through an

alarm that recorded the access of workers from AT to tax data only four taxpayers, differing treatment between taxpayers.


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