Thursday, June 25, 2015

Flying skateboard movie “Back to the Future 2″ turns RealID – Marataízes

Category General Updated News on 25/06/2015 at 09:55:07 <- readings: 100 ->

Flying Skate movie” Back to the Future 2 “turns RealID

Lexus luxury car manufacturer, decided to realize the dream of fans of the movie “Back to the Future 2″ and created one “hoverboard” that actually works. The device consists of a skateboard without wheels that “flies” similar to what has su


The Lexus Hoverboard uses magnetic levitation to achieve an incredible movement without friction. Nitrogen liquid cooled superconductors and permanent magnets combine to make it possible for the Lexus create what until then was considered “impossible.” . The product has the characteristic of design and high tech brand
According to Mark Templin, executive vice president of Lexus International, said: “We constantly challenge ourselves and our partners to push the limits of what is possible.” Still, he says “this determination, combined with our passion and experience to design and innovation, is what led us to take the Hoverboard project.”

The company has not revealed many details about the equipment, which is part of the project “Amazing Lexus in Motion” campaign that shows the creativity and innovation of the brand. What is known is that the model is in development for 18 months, by teams in Germany and England.
Battery for remote control, which brand to choose? Comment on TechTudo Forum.
The forecast is that the

tests with the model begin to take place in Barcelona, ​​Spain, during the next few weeks. The product is just a prototype and is not available for sale, at least for now.
Via Independent, Gizmodo and MultiVu
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By: Desirée Duke | Print LikeTweet

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