The placement of tenured teachers in schools where they had no vacancy (creating situations of ‘zero hours’ where they did not exist) will be just one of the problems resulting from the last two contests for teachers, whose results were announced on Friday last.
The two most representative trade union federations also speak on the “disappearance of the lists of candidates” in unjustified exclusions and “overtaking” which, says the National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof) translate into situations of “inconceivable injustice.”
An example: Maria, aged 55 years old and 33 service, told Publico that belonged to the framework of Schools grouping of Aveiro. Last year has had time-zero, so it was forced to compete for another school where he taught. This year, “because I could not stand again months of anguish not knowing if he had teaching activity”, he decided to run. On Friday, they left the results of contests, celebrated winning a seat in Visual and Technological Education group in the grouping of schools Infante D. Pedro, Penela.
Despite being further place of residence, Maria thought for a year would be free of the redevelopment scheme, the former special mobility. But on Tuesday, to call the new school, I learned that “there was a mistake” and that despite having passed to the framework of a more distant establish your home too there was no vacancy for it.
“It happened with two colleagues, for which we have no room and were placed here. I do not know what will happen, but eventually can even happen that people who come now and do not we have a higher graduation. In that case, who gets zero hours are others that are here for years and that not competed because they thought they had secured the place, “lamented Bruno Cruz, the deputy director of the grouping Penela schools, which says it has not yet realized what happened “for ministry open spaces where they did not exist.”
Contacted by PUBLIC, Filinto Lima, vice president of the National Association of Groups and Public Schools Directors (ANDAEP), said to have known that the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC) will open more vacancies in tables for teachers who wanted to change schools (internal competition) than teachers indicated as predictable. “I do not know
Manuel Pereira, president of the National Association of School Leaders, said he had no knowledge of “more mistakes than usual.” “Unfortunately, the abnormality is already normal,” said
The placement “in nonexistent jobs.” – A theme that occupies space of complaints and debate in teacher groups in social networks like Facebook – is one of the situations denounced by Fenprof that on the afternoon of Thursday will gather with the School Administration Directorate-General (DGAE) to also clarify other situations. Points to other cases, such as allegations of v agas that were not occupied for any candidate, although there teachers who have confirmed them competitive; alleged overtaking junior teachers by senior open competition; and “ an unusual number of exclusions in Group 120 (English the 1st Cycle) without being given the opportunity to correct the involved elements relating to the formalization the application.
The National Federation of Education (FNE) focuses on critical injustice “with irreparable effects and inconceivable in the light of the most elementary principles of justice and equity” which, he says, result from that the MEC has chosen to realize the internal competition (for tenured teachers) and external (to contractors). “For lack of vacancies, teachers of School Boards (QE), grouping Frameworks (QA) and Zone Frameworks (QZP) with 17, 18, 19, 20 and more years of service, could not benefit from mobility (… ). In contrast, hired teachers who will complete five years of service, they saw them being a place open in QZP, where the QE and QA, wanted change, “protesting in a statement.
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