Monday, June 22, 2015

Employees of tax authorities with limited access to data from July – publico





It is already from July that employees of the Tax and Customs Authority (AT) have a more limited access to tax information from taxpayers, through the installation of a computerized mechanism. With the introduction of this system, employees have previously justify the queries tax information from taxpayers.


The idea, proposed to finance from the TA, meets the inquiry recommendations of the Finance Inspectorate. At the same time, is expected also limit access to data by external collaborators.

After the case of controversy VIP list and the National Data Protection Commission reports (ICPD) and the General Inspectorate Finance (IGF), both very critical of the actions of tax authorities with regard to the protection of taxpayer information, the Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, Paulo Nuncio asked the AT to submit to the Government an action plan, which was made on Friday, told the Lusa agency sources of finance.

The AT plan, led by Helena Borges, contains dozens of measures, among them is the implementation, by next month, a computerized mechanism for workers to justify in a white space that will appear on the computers before accessing the taxpayer information, why they are doing it. Thus, the IRS wants all access to applications are framed, getting registered through this software tool, the reason for each access.

Lack of control Another
of the measures is to review the access permissions that are assigned to foreign workers, seeking to limit their access to employees tax information.

Both the ICPD as the IGF criticized the many hundreds of external collaborators (interns, contractors and private consultants) to AT with full access to the data of taxpayers.

From July, the Treasury also plans to analyze the active profiles and their home workers access permissions for adaptation needs but also so that, for example, former workers deprived of their operation in access accounts. Ie, they remain active even after the departure of the employees.

According to the IGF report, the decommissioning of users is made when there is a permanent output or “the verification of inactivity over a period of time “(no activity for three months for internal users), that” by routinely run manually by the Security Area of ​​the tax authorities Computers.

At the same time, the IGF pointed out that

“there are no specific instructions for external entities requesting the cancellation of its users, where these fail to provide services from AT (only be deactivated if you do not perform access to data for periods longer than 12 months. “

The IGF also concluded AT could only have appropriate control over access to their 13% of total external users systems.

Now, AT wants to update the file of access to tax information from taxpayers and look for more common behaviors some workers might reveal risk to any undue consultations tax information.

The ICPD and the IGF confirmed the existence of the controversy VIP list of taxpayers who work through an alarm that recorded the access of workers AT the tax data only four taxpayers.

The VIP list worked for about four months and monitored only the unauthorized access to the tax information of the President of the Republic, Cavaco Silva, Prime Minister Passos Coelho, the deputy prime minister, Paulo Portas, and the Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, Paulo Nuncio in a discriminatory measure in protecting the obligation of tax secrecy of all taxpayers.

The conclusions of the ICPD were sent the Public Ministry and the IGF argued that involved in creating the VIP list were the subject of disciplinary proceedings: in both cases, results are not yet known. The VIP list eventually caused the resignation of the then Director-General of AT, António Afonso fights, and then deputy director-general of the Tax Justice and Customs, José Maria Pires. Helena Borges is leading the IRS to replace regime, while stem the tenders for the selection of their replacements.



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