Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Cuts reforms: Association GNR threat with new … – TVI24

The Association of Professional Guard (APG) admitted Wednesday to carry out further protest actions if the government “does not immediately solve” the cuts in the reform of the military of the GNR.

Military Dozens of GNR participate this Wednesday, between 08:00 and 17:00, a vigil at the General Pension Fund (CGA) in Lisbon to protest against cuts in pensions, an action sponsored by APG.

“We are here because the CGA understands that we will for reform in advance, which is not true, because we have a specific statute that does not work up to 66 years as is stipulated for the remaining civil servants. We are not civil servants due to the military condition and the particular function, “he said the agency Lusa the president of the APG.

César Nogueira explained that the GNR laws provide the military with 35 years of service and 55 years old can go to the reservation and, five years into retirement without penalty, as well as transitional arrangements.

Under this regime, the military, the December 30, 2005, fulfilled: 20 or more years of effective service could carry over to the reservation and then into retirement without suffering any penalty.

“The CGA believes that the military GNR are going to advance reform and are applying penalties, which in some cases is around 400 euros,” he said, considering the “illegal” situation.

César Nogueira added that the Minister of Internal Affairs, Anabela Rodrigues, has shown not agree with the understanding of the CGA, but so far the situation has not been resolved.

“There are court cases, but we can not wait for the good decision of the courts, this has to be resolved quickly because it is a political issue and the government has responsibility,” he said .

If the Government “does not immediately solve” the situation, the president of APG admits that the challenge will not stop, this being the first action fight.

César Nogueira said that the only way to demonstrate discontent is through watching and manifestations, since the military GNR have no right to strike.

According to César Nogueira, 500 soldiers of the GNR passed the reform in January this year and in 2016 will enter this situation 600.

In the wake also attended several presidents of unions PSP, taking into account that reforms the cutting elements are also reach the PSP.

“It is a measure that is transverse to the two forces, PSP and GNR, and together we are here to demonstrate displeasure by this measure,” he told Lusa the president of the Unified Union of Police (SUP) Peixoto Rodrigues,

considering that the CGA is making a “broad interpretation”.

President’s SUP said that about 500 elements of the PSP suffered cuts reforms, which are around 300 euros.

GNR military of the participating today in the evening in another vigil by the General Command of the GNR in Lisbon, also to protest against the cut in reforms, in an action organized by the National Association of Sergeants Guard (SGA).

The protest in Largo do Carmo, scheduled for 19:30, with the participation of other socio-professional associations of GNR and will continue the APG vigil, reports Lusa.


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