Friday, June 19, 2015

Mathematics exam 9th grade was more accessible – publico






In the laughter and shouts of enthusiasm and relief of the students at the end of the morning of Friday abandoned the rooms in School Rodrigues de Freitas, in Porto, already guessed that the National Mathematics exam 9 year It had not been difficult. By mid-afternoon, the scientific community and the association of teachers of that discipline confirmed that they had reason to be happy – both consider that the evidence was more affordable than last year, which, in turn, was no longer difficult. The average will rise, but that does not allow to conclude that children know more, agree the representatives of the two organizations.


                          “The exam was easy and went quite well,” said Guilherme Silva, student Rodrigues de Freitas. Immediately after the race, already on vacation, said that the difficulty level was similar to that of previous years and said he expected at least a 85% rating. In a relaxed atmosphere, surrounded by colleagues, Joana Faria expressed the same view. “I found the basic examination,” he said, explaining that intensively studied over the past two weeks and did not consider the easiest test compared to previous years.

The direction of the Portuguese Mathematical Society (SPM), however, did not hesitate to write that ap rova ​​Friday “is slightly simpler than the previous year, a trend that had already registered 2013 to 2014 getting well, “he said,” with a level below the appropriate level of demand at the end of basic education. ” In this context, it considers that “ expected increase in national average ratings will not extract meaningful conclusions about objective improvement in the educational process.”

Regarding the content of the test, more specifically, the SPM states that it “ is achievable in about two-thirds of the extension, by a student of the 8th year” and that “incorporates no question that specifically allows distinguishing level of students 5 “. Speaking to PUBLIC, Pestana Fernando da Costa, president of SPM, commented that some of the issues are “too little challenging” and pointed as an example the fact that students are not called to prove they know and know how to apply the formula for solving 2nd degree equations. “There is indeed a

matter involving an equation like that, but to solve the students only had to know what a square root,” he said.

Lourdes Figueiral, president of the Mathematics Teachers Association (MPA), used the same phrase – “little challenging” – to refer to evidence of issues, he noted, it contains “some items” that refer to contents of the 2nd cycle. “As an example of the ease of its review surprised that a question of organization and data processing were ordered only calculations and dispensed to analysis and interpretation.

The President of APM also commented that for the average increase will contribute another factor which “makes it impossible to make comparisons with previous years.” “This year, because there are two phases of examination, students who are not able to carry over did the test now, are making equivalence of evidence to the 3rd cycle in schools and, in the meantime the situation change, go to second phase. But this excludes students alleged to have lower ratings, “he said.

In 2014 the average rating Mathematics of boarders rose from 44% to 53% over the previous year. At this stage, the examination account 30% of the final grade, but this year for the first time, students can go to a second round, if chumbem the first. In this case, will have considered only the notes obtained in the examination, ie who have positive is approved. This second chance was premiered at the 4th year in 2013 and extended to 6 months last year.

They made the exam, Friday, 92 511 students – 388 less than the total subscribers



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