Friday, June 12, 2015

PSD want clarification in advertising on the bill … – Digital Journal

The PSD will ask you to make the reopening of the discussion on the details of the proposed legislation on carrying out institutional advertising campaigns State in order to clarify it, indicated now a Member of the party, Monica Ferro.

The Social Democrat MEP, told Lusa said that at issue is a provision of the bill which states that “is not allowed to carry out institutional advertising campaigns in state media mostly held by public authorities”.

Both RTP as the RDP, which belong to the RTP Radio Television Portugal group and are 100% owned by the state.

“The way the rule is written is generating the interpretation that the RTP and RDP are out of conducting institutional state advertising campaigns, but the norm has to be interpreted in the general context of the law, “said one official, adding that” later in the same proposal it is planned to carry out institutional advertising “in two ways.

” We will reopen the discussion and make this clearer standard, “stressed the MP, adding that he intended to make clear that the RTP group may receive campaign institutional advertising of the state.

According to Monica Ferro, the rule at issue should be further discussed and approved even before the date set for the rise in diploma from the floor, on the 19th of June.

The draft law laying down the rules and obligations of transparency in institutional advertising campaigns State had been today discussed and voted in the art including the standard that must return to the discussion.

This standard had originated in an amendment proposed by PSD and CDS-PP and adopted today by the majority of parties in the Committee for Ethics, Citizenship and Communication, specifying that “it is not allowed to carry out institutional advertising campaigns of the State means mostly held by public authorities “.

Inês Medeiros, Member of the Socialist Party, said during the meeting that the Commission regrets” deeply “decided to change the law proposal, the impact it will have on the disclosure of cultural events – especially in RTP2, where it is usually hold -. and “sacrifice once again the public radio and television”

On the other hand, also said the MP, speaking to Lusa after the meeting, institutional campaigns of the state as the fighting domestic violence, for example, are also at risk of being excluded from the media of public capital.

Both the PS and the PCP abstained If the vote of all the amendments proposed in this law

Digital Diary with Lusa



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